VSARNNI(华萨尼)品牌创立于2014年,隶属于北京华萨尼时装有限公司。 致力于打造中国服装轻奢精品品牌,为受众提供场景化定制穿搭方案,从生活的各个角度提供更具质感与设计感的服饰选择,面向睿智、优雅且追求生活品质的客户群体。
The brand of VSARNNI was founded in 2014, which belongs to Beijing vsarnni Garment Co., Ltd. The brand is committed to providing Chinese men with scene customized wearing schemes, providing men with more texture and design clothing choices from all aspects of life, and facing men who are wise, bold and pursue quality of life.
'Light luxury, simple fashion and heavy tolerance' is the core concept of the brand, as well as the pursuit connotation and brand attitude transmitted to consumers.